originally posted in:Honestas Ad Mortem
You all know the drill!
Crota Hard
32 characters
No checkpoints
RSVP your roster position
Launch at 8:30(changing it up this week)
Failure to be on time or stay until we beat Crota or come to a group decision to quit will enlist a probation of one week from being able to RSVP.
Let's get it this time fellas!!! :)
Final roster will be as follows..... Battosai slayer Ethynastates Guestgamer Africkentaco Defmachine Highcouncleman
Me Ethyn and Cody. I'm the only one who can say it for these guys
KTLSWAG you can't reserve till next week my friend.
Changed it again screw it im in lol
Changed my mind nah
Me? Maybe
Hawkeye has reserved for raid but due to no 32 character his rsvp may be trumped by a 32 clan member due to it being a requirement if there are no rsvps by raid time he will then be eligible by default for a roster position
I RSVP for sat
Adding Defmachine. One more spot available gentlemen.
Count me in
Currently roster is as follows: Battosai-Slayer Ethynastates Afrikentaco Guestgamer Two slots open
Guys I hv a birthday dinner for my wife that starts at 7. But I'll be able to catch up with everyone later if your down a player or want to go stomp Atheon afterwards.