"Never fall, or lose it all."
originally posted in:AtIas
I have a challenge for you all. Tonight, there will be a double mission plan. Those who survive the first may move on to the second. Those who survive the first but cannot go on, will come home and have a guaranteed chance to live another day. The Vault of Glass awaits us. A prelim group was sent yesterday, and has held their own. They hide in wait for reinforcements within the presence of the Templar. You will go to them. After, Crotas roar still rises from the depths of the Moon. We must silence his rage. Two teams will be sent for him. There is a high chance. Only one will walk out. Comment below on yr interest in participating in the VOG and place which level you wish to participate. Also, list below your interest in volunteering to demolish what lurks in the Dark Below, along with a difficulty. Hard or Normal. I will be in gameplay by 7 pm Pacific Time. However, you have the ability to enlist your own teams. Suit up. State your PSN for allies to recruit you, and keep safe Guardians.
The Stargazer.