Fenn82 year 1 destiny player
Edited by Hyper_Locke: 9/20/2015 5:32:10 PMWassup people's I'm B add me on Psn: bbmmtt2233 Level 40 light level 288 Hunter
bigbywolf PS4 Trying to get back in the game with Taken king out
YoungAZ5150 ps4 34 warlock 33 titan 33 hunter
Edited by DeadAim9639: 8/13/2015 7:15:10 AMDeadAim9639 Ps4 34 Hunter/Warlock 31 Titan
Ps4: Godofchaos2012 Lv34 titan Lv28 warlock
Ps4 Psn-ALAN-O Warlock 32 Titan28 Hunter 29
Pan TrapNations
PS4 PSN: Al-B-Querky Titan 31 (almost 32!) Hunter 28 Warlock 7 :D
PSN: yungcutter PS4 Hunter:28 Warlock:26 Titan:10
Edited by Twheeeeezy17: 3/30/2015 9:46:03 PMPSN: Twheeeeezy17 ps4 32 warlock 31 hunter
Superloverwardy PS4
Red_bear_123 27 hunter ps3 bad gear ( no exotic all legendary except helmet and gaulents
Thepmc81 Ps4
Fenn82 ps4 hunter level 31 Titan level 28
BigDaddyD-73_ PS3 Currently level 25 hunter working Crota levels
RyanSSS1978 warlock 25 PS3
Edited by A_Thieving_Fox: 4/27/2015 10:17:02 PMcdebaecker PS4 Warlock 32, Hunter 32, Titan 32.
Ps4 same as name, down for any raid
Add me too :D I'm very much a weekend player so expect me to get on most of the time :3 I've played VOG a couple if times so Im quite experienced except for using the shields. Ps4: lx_-TheGamer-_xl P.S: If your a lower level and need a buddy to get through the levels fast, I'd love to help :3
Edited by StepDaddyTravvy: 2/20/2015 11:05:55 PMEnder8877 lvl 30 hunter, Lvl 27 warlock, Xbox 360
Bigfatmac - ps4 level - 31 Titan.
TmDevice - PS4 Lvl 25 warlock
ValeMorrow PS4
Johnczech ps4