originally posted in:Year3
House of Wolves. With pics of every gear, weapon in the next DLC...
I DO NOT like the May 19 date. I really hope that date is not right. There is just not enough to do in this game to wait that long. Absolutely no way.....
April/May/June for House of Wolves... Bungie comfimed it in the latest news.
No way I could last until May on the current content. I'm at the point now where I'll run the weekly strikes, a couple of raids a week but, other than that there isn't a whole lot to do that I haven't done a mmllion times already!
I think most of us will struggle to get through to the original 7th March date without getting a bit bored, let alone mid May. :-(
Yeah... May is too long, might have to play some battlefield4 or hardline! Only have to do nightfalls and raids.