originally posted in:Guardian Reports
Until further notice, this group is semi-private and is going to be a testing ground so no new members. The rules themselves will fluctuate as I get around to changing them. This is a story-based group, by which I mean, written-driven. Does that make sense? Anyways, it's only here so I can write about my characters and for any interested parties to read them,. On to business.
[b]IMPORTANT:[/b] No matter what, remember you're reporting the stories of your guardians, created with the help of Bungie and without them, you really wouldn't be writing it at all (unless you were already planning on writing some strange western sci-fi story before this).
1. I promote friendly fire and reserve the right to pass on judgement on any outlaws.
2. Stories can be written however you like; first-person, second-person, however many persons. The style can be however you like; somewhat normal style, diary style, script style. Go nuts!
3. Try to beta-read your stuff. Accept that you'll still miss something and fix it if it gets pointed out. You're welcome to ignore it if you run it through your head and think it's okay, or you totally meant in in that way.
4. Character introduction can occur within the story, however, make a separate post if you intend to detail out information on your character/squad.
5. I will continue making this up as I go along with it.
1. Squad Name: If your story includes all three of your guardians, you can include them in the same squad. Your characters, your squad. In the case that you're making a story where you romanticize an actual event you and your buddies went through, make sure you get some semblance of permission (or at the very least don't butcher their idealized selves).
2. Codenames: Yes, your characters ideally should have names. Have fun!
3: Faction: If you've already pledged yourself to any faction in-game, do so here too! If you've ranked up all of them, you're more than welcome to play with that in the story as well!
4. Class: You likely prefer one class over another, you likely don't and love both. Whatever the case, have fun with this one too!
5. Gear: More of a, if you like this gear set-up in game, go ahead an mention it here too!
6. Weapons: Which exotic do you like the most? Is that your guardian's go-to weapon? Go ahead and mention it!
7. Whatever other set-up comes to mind! Ideally, we'll have a more standard-looking one which kinda looks like this.
1. Poll Posts: Try to use it by playing on reader's input to continue if you're stuck. I'd like to avoid spamming the forum with these though.
2. Question Posts: Same as the last one. Yes, there are lots of creative ways to tell a story, this forum is likely not the best for that soft of thing. We'll see.
3. RP-ing: I am okay with this. But beware that you'll likely lose track of order with this type of forum.
Above all, enjoy yourselves guardians! Go forth and write!