originally posted in:Destiny Cafe
Looking for anyone who plays on ps3 i am level 21 and need people to play with add me on psn pounditman21
Have mic
Add me I'm looking for people to play with as well. Crucible, strikes, dailys/weeklys etc. ST1CKMANSTATUS
New clan looking for new recruits on ps3. Looking to do raids and crucibles, but still want to keep things fun. Excepting players of all levels. Send in a request to Gun Gale Vanguards, or add my psn id: Kwub2009
Add me RainnMaker-
im lvl 26 on playstation with a mic fortunewookiekb
I am on ps3 and my psn name is foilpainter17 but I am only level 10, almost 11 Titan
Level 17 hunter so far, i have a mic psn: deathlyrampage12
Level 26 warlock psn: khayum
I'm a Level 22 with a mic xxshadow217x