originally posted in:Destiny Cafe
Looking for 360 users to run pvp and pve with. Wanting to grind bounties, strikes and story missions with a little crucible sprinkled in there. Get at me @ GnarleyNukesome
Hey guys, give me an add, please no one under 17, I am female and little kids tend to get annoying on 360 after a while. Gamer tag : Hyphe aB send me a message here or live. Looking for people to grind out strikes and crucible with. Hit me up ASAP :)
Add me: The Baconator76 Level 27 Titan I'm looking for people to do the level 26 Summoning Pits for Thorn
Feel free to add me
Legends in Our Spare Time is an xbox 360 clan. the core of the clan have been gaming together for almost a decade. we are a solid group looking for more 360 players. come check us out. check my profile. link to clan is in there. see your starside guardians.
Hi every1 lvl 9 warlock im not new to game just new account so lvl 9 need some people to run with on 360 add me xUrbaN LimiTx #urbangamers #youtube
TheGreat1O1 lvl 25 Titan
Akri styxx 27 hunter if anyone needs another add me
Add me at [b]Samadator[/b]. Got a lvl 24 warlock, and lvl 13 hunter. Mix of pve and pvp.
Add me guys - quickkill253 lvl 24 Hunter
If anyone is looking for more people to roll with feel free to add me Nightshade95 is my gt
Gt: Currupteddatax
Lv26 Hunter! Feel free to add me :D GT: pokevchew
Gt Blazin n Hazin 27 hunter and 25 warlock. Add me
If anyone is still up add me and let's game for a bit my gamertag is KSI STEESH
My Gt is hellgate94 lvl 26 warlock
Add me level 25 hunter gamer tag: TH3 AHHBRA69
Gt: KilLeR CrU3lty lvl 24 warlock add me
Kselite Toxiicz add me im lvl 23
Don't have a mic right now though, sorry :/
Gt ApolloMack
my GT is Ultragunner104 invite me when ever
X Brimzy bro invite whenever