originally posted in:Destiny Cafe
New to the platform, lvl 22 titan looking to gain some new friends to join in the destiny fun, please feel free to add me or post here and I will add you, thank you all and have a nice day :)
Add me using my screen name. Level 28 Warlock
DroppnDrakes 24 warlock
Level 28 warlock, GT Noll31 feel free to add me, always looking for people to do strikes with etc
hi gt: SGT EDDY UK GAMER OK.....
Add me - P6rfect Level 27 hunter
Feel free to add me reefkeeper135 level 25 hunter
Gt: lstew19 Lvl 26 hunter add me I'm usually up for whatever
You can add me too. I'm new to xbox one, need more friends for strikes, whatever. I'm a casual gamer.
Hey guys, im kind of new here, if someone´s looking for friends add me up also... HaystackBHZ cheers
Add me N7 Sunbro
Add me! Atomic cat bomb
No0bZor add me
Add me bro, I can help you in strikes and shit. my GT is my screen name on here.
yea add me aksel r level 25 warlook
can u help me out with something
HMU GT:itzB0y0jay
Gt: NorthernAirness I'm up to do anything. Add me.
Gt: TRGGERHAPPY2302 am up for it
Just added you, let me know any time you want to team up.