originally posted in:Destiny Cafe
I'm looking to start a #ps4 fireteam with 3 (or 6 for pvp/raids) other guardians for the full release on 9/9. I like pve over pvp, but I'll play either. Mics are preferred . I'm pretty easy going, and not looking to be über serious, but that said I'd be interested in doing raids if we get 6 people together. Ragers, Trolls, and generally immature or rude people Need not apply. PSN ID: jimmybobjoe12 (I made it a while ago, cut me some slack)
Hey man you wanna raid sometime?
PSN Mr__Rusty__Nail im keen to find people to play with for fun in here and BF4. have the standard ps4 mike thingy, it does the job. im 21
Adult gamer here, looking for the same stuff as you (not uber serious but interested in late game pve and pvp). PSN iiiusion87 I've added you, see you then!
my clan is in to pve and pvp and u will find people on all the time
PS4 PSN: Cptvolker Mic/Y. US (PST-CA.) 20-30+hr a week. (Work schedule changes) Available if you guys need a spare.
PS4 PSN- Warshark I have a mic , and I'm a team player. add me
Psn : Death2Spade I have a mic and am a team player
PSN: Zorlale I have college but i can play any time after 2 p.m. central time :D
PSN: Hawaiian_Cough Have mic and free all the time.
friend me, gonna b an awoken warlock sunsinger or voidwalker is still undecided, got the digital guardian edition, i hav a mic unless ur gonna b a whinny bitch doubtful tho, u seem cool gamertag is GCG_stl
Add me PSN ID CivRules. I'm in a clan but I'm on the lookout for others to assist. I'm friendly and easy going but I do play to win. I'm looking to clear VoT ASAP. If interested hit me up.
"My body is ready..." Haha, I can't get over that. Anyway my PSN is **Just_call_me_RAW** I'm going to be playing this game religiously when it comes out but I have made a new account and am looking to fill my friends list. If anyone else wants too add me too feel free, so long as you are mature and decent overall.
hey add me jaminski- some reason i couldnt link my psn account to bungie properly so had to use another account. but pretty good halo 2/3/4 player and good at the destiny beta when it was out really consistent and good teamplayer :}
Add me on PSN: Lucienus and join the clan True Hellfire
Add me psn: cdizzydoan I play in pacific time. Also have mic and I'm down for raid when all the gear is required.
I'm game. I got a ps4 for my birthday and upgraded from borrowing my roommates system, but all my friends are gonna play on ps3 so I'm on the lookout for new friends to play with. I'm a casual player by the way. I'm not one to watch walkthroughs and calculate stastics and the like
Add me on ps4 BoxedDreams I'm either choosing sunsinger or warlock.
Psn- chillinwithtim Age 25 Causal relaxed gamer.
Edited by OneCollar: 9/1/2014 2:38:21 AMPSN PS4: ^ ^ Add Me if u like
Sounds good to me! I will send you a invite.
Psn: eyyup-95 Invite me bro
Im down see you online
ill add you