PSN: hiten369 Class: Warlock Lvl: 8
Psn: Haterbreed Class: hunter/warlock Grimoire at this time of post: 635 Average score for crucible at this time: 736 Have a mic
Hi i got all 3 classes up to lv8, but sorry: no headset. psn: Annunaki
Luna-xp, add me looking for strong team to help collect the new items for the events that will be held for the remainder of the beta. See you on the 23rd Gaurdians!
Hi every1 add me on ps3: "dommdomm14"ill be on when the beta comes back and i have a mic, hope to see u guys there n_n
Mine is mhiller93 I'll be around all or Wednesday
[quote]My psn add : Matata91[/quote] BeserkSarge
you can add me VvelvetEelvis
Add me lightningshuffle
PSN sishquebob - max level hunter.
Psn ethan96007
Psn: CubWolfe :)
Max level reached in beta, PSN: Robnightus