I say- Galahorn
Yal-a-horn or Gal-a-horn
Edited by JSDFREEDOM89: 7/3/2015 1:33:38 PMIt's pronounces YAWL-ER-HORN Everyone pronounces it as Gal-a-horn I call it jello-horn Preference really. The name is from Norse mythology. It is the horn Heimdall used to warn Odin and Thor that the Ice Giants were coming, bringing Ragnarok (end of the world).
Edited by Blyndwolf: 7/3/2015 1:32:04 PMYâl er horn is how I say it. I don't speak norse, so I can't tell you how to pronounce it exactly.
Ya Lar Horn It's Norse
Y'allarscrewed. :-)
Yah-Lur-Hurn Gotta pronounce it like a Swede
Oh and I usually refer to it as I have 3 of every exotic item in this game and still haven't got one of those f&:$( Things. Super sad face no matter how many times my friends tell me it's because my skill is too great to have a gjallahorn too. :(
Gal - I - Horn
J-Lo used to give me the horn but now it's all about J-Law
Edited by Senescha7: 7/3/2015 1:38:22 PMIt's actually an Icelandic word meaning "megaphone" and it's correct pronunciation would be: 'Ja-jla-hor-de' But that's way to difficult do I say "Gyall-er-horn" lol
Edited by th0rg0d: 7/3/2015 1:37:18 PMI just call it the Bitterhorn. [spoiler]-blam!- you RNG!!! [/spoiler]
Yah-lah-howrn Sounds more exotic that way ;)
Mega crutch
Easy switch