create a new psn... start over on new psn. i did last friday. i am now level 24 i intend on getting the vip status on 3 charactures warlock titain and hunter within the time limit! wish me luck on my 2nd psn
PvP, sweaties
Or play crucible
I used to do vanguard strikes but, now I do the 28
Do the dailies with the No Land Beyond. [spoiler]And I help low levels :)[/spoiler]
Bounties and Strikes. I just love murder.
I get in to VOG and Crota normal over and over until I find someone I can annoy and annoy the life out of them :)
Rocket League.
There's other games to play. When you hit max level and have all guns/armour at 365, you should be playing other games until the next Expansion!
-blam!- around in patrol
Make myself 29 with shitty weapons and search for weekly heroic lvl 32. Then when I team with 29s or 30s, I change to 34 and best weapons for strike, and carry team for 9 strange coins. Do this every week on all 3 34 characters.
Dragon playlist
Crucible for some control, or queens bounties.
pvp mostly. For me it's half the fun.
Play other games so I don't burn myself out on this one
Lately it's been tiger strikes. I'd love to get some vanilla armor to ascend but my luck hasn't been good.
I used to complete strikes but I'm getting into crucible now
Poke around patrol. Try to help out new players when I see them having trouble with something as I pass through. I've found that in recent months I hardly touch the crucible if the iron banner isn't going on.
Run LvL 28 PoE to kill time, glitch around the tower or try to find new things by breaking out of maps and missions or just play crucible. Watch streams as well i guess.
I push all the balls off the edge in the tower then go to the reef and push the servitors off because I'm dead inside
Pvp and things... And stuff...
I'll try soloing something I haven't soloed before. Always a fun challenge
Grind grimore
Play titanfall,mess around on patrol, or go offline till they're on
play control