originally posted in:Flawless Raiders Alumni
I've been trying to find a group to run VOG and go for the flawless achievement. I would love to find 5 guardians willing to help. I've have the gear and Max weapons for it. If anyone is willing to do it message me on here or on Xbox one. GT- GcStUnNeR.
If anyone still needs this just let me know. Willing to help people get it.
Since 5 people have commented on this post, if everyone can post when they are free and would like to try please comment again. Thanks
lv 32 Hunter/Warlock/Titan with maxed weapons. 2.0 icebreaker/g.horn, fatebringer, epilogue, PR, corrective measure, and more. On Xbox One, GT: GreenGirlELPHY
I'm down send me a message gt: BasedGodLukeey 31 Titan maxed hunger of Crota and icebreaker
GT: Neptinus Make sure you send me a message reminding me who you are when you add me. Who knows when you'll see this or when I'll notice your friend request. I'm so ready to do this.
I will do it and might a friend or two that will if you're on xbone. Lvl 32 hunter and warlock with ghorn and a lot of experience
I can help with flawless level 31 hunter Gt:CommodoreCody