originally posted in:PS4 XBO Rad Raiders
I want to do an raid or an VoG, or strike
Im an level 26 warlock , firts time doing an vog or raid
Someone add me i want to do VOG to
Iv never done it either and I'm 28 hunter invites/request I'm always down!!PSN:R3dhe3ad3d
Add pitch-black-10. Hard VOG level 31 hunter
I need to do VoG ️LEVEL 29, anyone interested add xijordanhd
Add me I need 4 people Lewis-Harrison-
I'll up for VOG psn: hwalthher lvl 29 hunter
I'm a first time raider so if any one is willing to raid with me add me on psn jerry-beary
I can join now if you want to raid ^^ my psn Ace-254
Can do tomorrow in about 10 hours if possible
I can join but what time? Psn i Id: LW_MY
Lvl 28 hunter (almost 29) Send me a message when you want to do the raid Psn: nicky_numnumZZZ
I'll join psn Forte-Genius