originally posted in:Offtopites
Do we look like Water? No? [b]GOOD.[/b]
The Floods time has come and gone. Make way for a new era of Off Topic-ness. If you post in #OffTopic, you are an #OffTopite, like it or not. Such is the way of #OffTopic. Welcome to the club, you won't be leaving.
I've set up this Private Group as a staging ground to squash any dissidence.
No! this is heresy ! Why have betrayed the flood ! You and every Offtopite shall be shunned from Offtopic
Nope, forever and always a floodian like it or not. If you're born and raised in Europe and move to America, that doesn't just make you American. You're still European.
Edited by Leftry: 4/26/2014 8:53:57 PMSounds to close to Hot Topic Which makes me feel like I'm browsing a forum full of wrist cutting Emo's And you know what comes out of those wrists? Blood, and that sounds close to Flood which is what runs through our veins here.
So long as I am here, the flood will live on forever.
The flood survives through me and my brethren from the darkness/predarkness days.
Long live the Floodians.
I remember seeing this a long time ago and I feel that I post it here The Flood Is Family even if I dispear for a couple of months I show back up and people still recognize me "I'm a floodian.... Step into our territory and you will be taken away at night while you are sleeping....and you will never see daylight ever again.......YOU WILL BE OUR FOOD!!!......*crawls back into hole*" Jedi 4...
Flood is love Flood is life
Flood never dies......
The mighty Son of Odin has been here for six years, I have seen many things happen and I say that thou Offtopites be the worst. Thor shall never join thy second-rate movement! Long Live the Flood! For it is immortal and never ending!
Lies! This parasite tells you lies! Do not listen Flood! [spoiler]The human body is 80% water by the way[/spoiler]
Sorry kiddo, I already [url=http://halo.bungie.net/Account/profile.aspx?uid=4132648]took that motto[/url] back in the day, see it's right in the About Me section. Go read of Camnator's shit posts or something.
You will whip the Flood into a berserk blood lust. You will be destroyed.
Offtopites doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as the Flood Offtopites has no ties to Bungie's past Offtopites is just a respelling of a name of a common forum section, meaning any forum could steal the name for itself (and some could e using it now) and only the Flood would notice -In my eyes: Offtopites will fall before this age of Destiny Still today, the Flood will grow. [i]You've been good to me, have I been good to you?[/i] [the remainder of this message would have been the final chorus to [i]Buildings & Mountains[/i] by The Republic Tigers if not cut off here]