originally posted in:United Guardian Alliance
March 11th is approaching. Titanfall is to release that day. I need 5 Xbox One users to assist me in a battle on launch day fire titanfall in a battle. If interested comment ASAP.
Edited by Veinq: 2/27/2014 2:44:05 PMAdd Veinq & send me a message on xbl Everyone can add me the more people to play games with the merrier. I live in The Netherlands btw.
Yah I'd be happy to be there I SpartanKD35 is me I'm good
I'd be happy to help my gamertag is my bungie name too.
GMAT coming up, off gaming till 20th. Would have loved to join u. Was on the alpha and the beta. Player k/d 4.2 and overall 9.1
How to find friends.com
I'll play, add me. FlYinG coUg8r
GT: BobtailedMc
GT: ChaosMetalDrago if you need backup
GT: martyr Vexus my final K/d against people was 18.2 and against bots
A good way to get 5 teammates is through matchmaking. Works every time
Yeah man my my gt is Halcron
[i] [/i]
I'll be busy vanquishing (being vanquished) my enemies (by my enemies) in Dark Souls 2.
My gamer tag is on my profile :)
Y U have NO Friends
I was totally getting Dark Souls 2 instead but seeing as the pc release has no solid date, I might actually just pick up Titanfall to tide me over... >:(
You got me
yeah I will infamy. You still haven't gotten to show me that tactic you were talking about.
Edited by Huunior: 2/20/2014 1:33:20 PM
I'm doing pretty f*cking good at it
Sorry mate! I've already got my team set up, look forward to wrecking you on the battlefield though! (I kid)
Why can't you just do regular matchmaking like everyone else?
I already have a dream team, so nah, I'm good.