originally posted in:Guardians Black Phoenix
Welcome new recruits,
[b]First and foremost[/b], thank you for joining one of the most up and coming xbox 360 clans in the making. The group's wall and forum is available to all group and clan members.([u]Keep in mind that our post is also publicly viewable, so please keep it appropriate or we will have to start moderating the content[/u].)Feel free to create post to recruit for a session or create a more permanent fire team. You can also post anything you feel that is [b]relevant[/b] and [b]beneficial [/b]to our clan. The general idea behind our clan and group is to create a more stream line process and place for players to meet and play with each other on destiny. If you want to do strikes, try the raid, or just need help leveling, post it and some members will respond directly to you. Also if you are on-line and see someone rocking our clan tag, hit them up and see if you can join them. I [b]encourage[/b] all clan members to create fire teams, strike teams, and raid teams with other clan members.) Also when upcoming events, contest, and limited time task pop-up, we can as a clan compete and dominate the leader boards. If for some reason you can't find anyone to play with, hit me up I'll play with you or direct you to skilled clan mates. Message any of my admins if you need further assistance or have any questions.