Hey, a lot of people seem to get stuck around 24 or 27. The best way to get past this is to either upgrade your vanguard level to 2 by doing bounties or the strike playlists. Then buy some level 33 light gear. Do the weekly heroic strikes for strange coins and once you have enough of them buy an exotic from Xur. That should give you a good bump. If you need help feel free to add me. I am also on ps4. Gamer tag is Blaisedale
I now have 31 & 30 characters. I am almost ready to raid. Stay tuned.
Edited by Old_Man_Darkaxe: 3/5/2015 8:08:28 PMFeel free to add me as well, I am in a clan of 7 people, the Axes, variety of ages & gender. We don't take it to seriously & we have fun. i am the oldest at 43 & am an accountant. I also play with my 17 year old son. He is a bit better than me, mostly at PVP. My parents still have our atari in their basement.
Hey Joe, Seems like you need to grind out some Roc Strikes for Vanguard marks/reputation. I'd be more than happy to help. My PSN is BerserkSavage. Shoot me a friend request! Cheers!
My best advice would be to not leave getting gear to Rng but you should work on level up you vanguard and earning vanguard marks so that you can buy level 31 gear Send me a friend request (MAGNETBOY258) ill help you out if you need it
Add me to your list. I'm online most nights and weekends. Happy to help out if I can
Hi Joe, I am a 47 yo and super Nobby too...! LOL I have 17 yo son. When we play together, he kills 4-5 times more than me. Even I play every day..he just plays during weekend. The only way to get out level 24 use an exotic and legendaries gears. I have other GT that has 2 level 31 titans and 1 level 31 Hunter. I wish we use the same platform so we can play together, I use Xbox 1. I played with DoD member...but still they were to superior than me...LOL I think they were at their 30. We probably need to make over 40 Clan...
And, I might add, that I am still learning the destiny acronym lingology (i.e. things like ROC). I am relieved to discover that I have not "cheesed" anything. I don't have the DLC yet. Everyone wants the "ghorn." Oh... and people that like PvP don't like "fist of panic." I am getting there.
Your DoD clan members should be able to explain these things to you, no problem. If not them, then your clan admins for sure. What sub section are you with? In with DoD Prime Collective, but we are X1 and 360 only.
Edited by integra_93GS-R: 2/6/2015 5:34:53 PMI would suggest buying some legendary armor from the Titan Vanguard for your Titan. The light level on the items is 33, which means, if upgraded all the way, will get you to about level 30 or 31. As for the VoG, I think the recommended level for the normal run is 27? Hope this helps! Oh yeah, my PSN ID is integra_93gs-r if you'd care to add me! Usually on in the evenings during the week, and I'm game to help out with whatever!
You can add me if you would like! Always willing to help others! Psn- GG_relentless
Atari 2600, really? LOL I still have my Commodore 64. Add me, should be fun. PSN ID RodanChi
Edited by Stormblessed: 2/4/2015 12:35:23 AMAdd me. I'm willing to help with all of the above @GeneralDiaster32. My only advice for the Titan is don't worry about him right now. As your hunter starts to get better, you will start to get more and more legendary engrams. The luck for these isn't always favorable either to your current character. You are bound to get some Titan legendaries. My first two legendary helmet engrams (which were really my first two legendary engrams of all time) turned out to be exotic warlock helmets, and I didn't and still don't have a warlock of my own. A fine level to attempt vog is 22, if your teammates are good. But if you want to make a team contribution, up to the gatekeepers, you can be level 26. But after that, for the gatekeepers and Atheon, you want to be 27. And about finding raid teams. There are many threads in the recruitment section of the forums that people use to find their raid teams. The people you find there can be heroes who you retain on your friends list forever, or they might be people that after thirty minutes you leave and delete them from your friends list because they are either rude or horrible and can't admit it to themselves or others.
It's probably already been mentioned but level up your vanguard by doing bounties and strikes every day. Once you reach rank 3 you will be able to buy vanguard gear. I would stay away from the other factions for now because you need crucible marks to purchase anything from them. If you have enough strange coins pick something up from Xur if you want. You'll be well on your way to levelling up your characters in no time. Get yourself into a friendly clan/group of like-minded players. Having friends makes the strikes and raids so much better than with random players. Add me, mauro367, and check out our clan, Eclipse SOG, for a bunch of guys that are around your age and play whenever the rest of the family is gone to bed. Good luck!
Add me for gaming on ps4
For your hunter, just grind some public events until you get enough marks to buy some legendary vanguard gear. Also, make sure you are not wearing a class item from a faction, or your rep goes to them instead.
I play with two guys from Dads of Destiny, good guys as well. I'm not part of the clan, but if you see A-Hawx online in a party with me feel free to join. We play most nights GMT 2000hrs onwards. [quote]Things I need some helpful guidance with: My titan seems stuck at lvl 24. I do dailies, bounties, vanguards, and some PvP. Do I just keep grinding? Or do I buy from Xur?[/quote] Keep doing bounties and Roc Strike Playlist (Tiger if you don't have the DLC). Get Vanguard marks, and spend them on armor whenever you can. Level it up by bdoing bounties, and get shards from Public Events and the Daily.... There is also nothing wrong with buying from Xur. [quote]What is a good level to attempt VOG? And, how the heck do you coordinate a strike team? (be kind... I am nooby noob).[/quote] You can do it at 25, but 26 is probably best. If you ran it with us for example, nobody is lower than a 30 so it would probably be a cake walk... Remember I said [i]probably[/i]! Message me if you want my PSN if I have space in my fireteams I'll always help out a mature noob. Not being picky as such, but you can just tell you're quite eloquent without even having stated you're a Professor.
I'm more than willing to help anyone who's new - especially if they're a 40+ dad (like me). My PSN login is the same as what I use on here. I'm on most nights after 7:00 (US central time). If you send me an invite, I'll be happy to help.
You're getting pretty sound advice, but keep in mind marks cap out at 200 and you may hit that cap before your faction rep is high enough to buy items. I think vanguard armor is rank 2 and weapons are 3 not 100% on that. If you hit the cap just buy materials for future upgrades. Add me on PSN I'll be happy to run you through VoG or Crota when you can enter. Try and get that last character to 20 since armor comes much easier for secondary and tertiary characters thus they level faster from 20 to 30. That run offer stands for anyone having trouble getting a group together I have lvl 32 characters and most people won't mind a 26 if his 32 buddy is part of the deal. That being said I can't always guarantee I'll be available sometimes I'm doing my own thing. Just send me a friend request and message. PSN CrashTestSkull
Not sure if this is the most effective way but if you choose to level up a certain faction(there is 3 and they each sell armor with different attributes like intellect and strength)it would be MUCH easier to gain rep(which is used to level up that faction) and in return buying their gear. But keep in mind that they have a smaller selection of gear than vanguard and crucible. May have forgot to say this but Vanguard and Crucible rep go to the faction of choice when wearing that faction's class item.
I'm 17 but I'm a dad too, hmu!
I like noobs. (And still consider myself one.) Feel free to add me. Should be on tomorrow evening.
Wanna help me with physics?
If you find a good team who is willing to teach you, your 26 Hunter can do the VOG normal now
Add JrodHEROg You can hit me up whenever and if I'm free I'd be more then happy to help out.
Add me. I know what it's like I have a kid myself, though he's only a baby. If you add me I can walk you through some stuff. The420life710