Outer Haven Elite
"If blood is the price of victory, then our enemies shall pay in full."
originally posted in:Outer Haven Elite
I'm not sure how many people already know about this, so I'll post it anyways.
This is a link to a Public Event Tracker. Especially useful if you are trying to get ascendancy materials and you have multiple characters. Go to this website, pick a planet and see what events are coming up. Go to the area where the next public event is incoming and gather materials while you wait. Once the event comes in, click the thumbs up option on the sidebar for that event. As Guardians use the website, it gets better at predicting what events are coming in and if hones it's time.
Try to get to the area the event is in about 2 minutes before, and wait until the timer on the website hits -6. If it doesn't pop up, go to the next event location. I have been using this for about 2-3 weeks and I have had about at 98% success rate with it. It is almost always on time for me.