originally posted in:The Grossly Incandescents
I noticed we have 49 people now and we're going strong, but I don't have a lot of you in my friends list. So, if you don't have me in your list post your PSN here and I'll add you. Thanks, brothers!
PSN ragnarok_monkey
PSN Tommikaze
Beastsoldier21 down for anything in Destiny
yoo, i didn't officially join the clan in-game but i'm sunbro to the core and always willing to jolly co-op. ps4 psn id: owashish
Psn: xXMrPost_ManXx Let the jolly cooperation begin!
PSN: Mcphetus69
Psn urmom1980
Sean-Pick PSN
Zombiebacon101 PSN
PSN SteinAuf6425
Dodadoof psn
Psn xarakayx
PSN Foshkey. I think I already sent you a friend request? Can't remember though...
PSN Ziccup