originally posted in:360 Raid Runners
Did try to arrange a raid myself, but only one person turned up. Laughing but crying on the inside... lol.. I2Gage and I would like to join or start a raid group.. Why can't the grouping system be easier than this forum stuff, drives me crazy!! Hoe I got the right Category,, - Join another group now :(.. couldn't get enpough
I'm in
Theres a space now if you want in?
Ready to play add EL CLARO 16 no mic but I kinda know what to do, I have atheon CP too
I'm in
Sorry messaged you but were full now
Invite GT beachboy06 lvl 28 warlock
I have two spaces if you want to join us
Need another person? Lvl 29 Hunter. GT: DMoneyHT92