originally posted in:Logic of War
What are your thoughts on the content that's been given? Do you like the leveling system? Is the new strike hard (or is Omnigul a pain on a higher level than Phogoth as many have told me)? How about the upgrades to exotics is it something you enjoy or is it just another mistake made? Finally, what about motes of light. Do you think we need a vendor specific (other than the speaker) that we could use them on? Or rather should motes of light just simply be taken out of the game since they have no real purpose other than to buy legendary class items that not many people have? Anyways the final point to get across is this: What do you think about Expansion I: The Dark Below?
Just saying...you have a good amount of members that don't have the LoW clan tag lol which was a rule ya had for us xD just saying lmao
I have mixed emotions. First emotion is I love it. The new story is awesome, the sound is AMAZING, missions are challenging, but fun, strike is awesome, yet sucks. New bounties are nice. My mixed emotion comes in that this shouldn't be an expansion, this should be a weekly event or something. There isn't much there. I did the story missions on three characters, all quests including the gauntlents, all in about 8 hours total. Now it's just grind time. I like the new armor in the fact you can now get to 31 with ease, but, soon, 31 will be the old 29. The raid, I have highly mixed emotions on. I can get 4 pieces of raid loot SOLO. This is awesome, but also sad, as I will be burned out of the raid before I even do it. I've done Crota once, with a cheese, and he is on auto farm status already. There was no challenge in this raid due to the cheese methods, none. Now, I love this as I can gear up. But I hate this as there is no challenge. Also, I like that more armor is dropping in the raid, but I also don't like it. My titan already has two pieces of armor, and I expect him to get the third this week. That means he will be level 32, max level, in about 10 days after launch, there is no challenge there. My lock and hunter won't be far behind. Iron Banner 3.0? Awesome! Wait, 3 weeks after old iron banner? light level 33, aka, same as vendor bought stuff? same weapons, just higher attk basically? meh, i'll still do it though as I want the new weapons. upgrading exotics is ok, I'm fine with the entire process. Glimmer is short now, but wont' be in a couple weeks after everything is re-upgraded. I wish there were a lot more new exotics though. I also wish there were a lot more armor choices, both in the raid, exotic, and vendor bought. All in all I feel the story line was a weekly event, and the raid is a joke until fixed. I do, however, really enjoy it all, so was it worth $20 dollars? damn right. Do I wish there was 3 times as much stuff? yup
Very little content
Omnigul strike is a Beeyotch!!! It doesn't matter if you have 3 or solo. I soloed the weekly heroic and it was very stressful. I had 3 for the nightfall, stressful. Upgrades to exotics: if the item cost more than 13 strange use the upgrade path even tho it cost more glimmer, you will have more strange coins left for next week. If it is 13 strange coins, then buy new if possible. I don't think it is good or bad, at least I can get my exotics with higher attack and light. Xur takes motes for exotic engrams and Lord Saladin uses them to reforge Iron Banner weapons (btw if you reforge your old waepons this week they will NOT upgrade to higher attack) I like the motes and vendors how they are. Overall expansion 1 is ok but still short of the expectation of game I had before it was released. We need a better story line. I don't feel like Im doing anything special like saving the universe. I feel like im just doing tasks. They are fun tasks and the chance at rewards keeps me playing but the lore is weak. Really weak. And some decisions like not allowing you to re roll old ib weapons to higher attack just seem kinda stupid. That's my take.