originally posted in:DoD Beyond
I stated this topic so I guess I am obligated to follow through on it. (me and my big mouth!) I thought Kross got himself into trouble talking too much....geez...=)
I stole the format from the Raid boot Camp as it was already there and hopefully everyone is familiar with it. The idea is to get a group of 6 who will raid at the same day and time every week and work together to get all their characters through Crota or VoG hard, if you still run that. This will in turn let us help out new Raiders and teach them to raid and help them along as well because we will have finished everything. =)
1. Raid Leader
Alternate 1 -
Alternate 2 -
I do crota everyweek my friends like to stay up and it on tuesday morning i do it only once and go to bed. I am looking for a team that can do it in the day time... Lv 32 warlock/hunter have ghorn. Everything... Very experienced. 32s only please Ps4:DaddyGhost28
Edited by fatherdan: 2/11/2015 3:42:38 PMSeeing as there's no love for us weekend warriors, I'll start one. :) Sunday nights @ 9pm CST. VoG and/or Crota. One or the other or both if we have time. 1. fatherdan 2. jimbacuan 3. SyVel22 4. BERBERICK 5. fatfluck 6. Vlad Alt 1 - IKrossCONSOLE Alt 2 -
Looking for hard Crota team I'm a 32 hunter with g horn
Edited by uninspiredy: 1/31/2015 10:03:16 PMTuesday night Raid Group No.2! All are welcome 830/9pm EST 1. BamsGrill 2. Xyphus 3. DashD-M 4. Fatfluck 5. Jimbacuan 6. Matto15 Alt 1. Alt 2.
Edited by Zblur: 2/3/2015 12:41:47 PMI will start this off!!!! I am online @ 9pm ET for the weekly reset every week +/- putting the kid to bed and soothing the wife for being on so many nights a week =). I need 5 other people to run Crota with (3 times would be my magic number as I have 3 characters) I am leader only in the sense that I started the thread. If you play the same time lets make it an official weekly event!!! 1. ZBlur - lvl 32 Hunter - lvl 32 TItan - lvl 30 Warlock. 2.druhill420 - 1st to respond! 3. Yuki 4. jlsmitty 5. Deadnuts 6. DorianCherokee Alternate 1 -HoMeWrEcKeR05 Alternate 2 - Mega (cause Yuki and Mega are one person I think) LOL [b]same group I hope lets kill the bastard[/b]
Edited by BERBERICK-: 1/30/2015 8:38:15 PM10pm or a little after Crota raid eastern time zone 1/30/15 Format: 1. BERBERICK 2.jlsimtty 3.fatfluck 4.IkrossCONSOLE 5.jimbacuam 6.Xyphus Alternate 1 -Zblur Alternate 2 -[/quote]
Thanks for taking a more interactive jump with this. I'll help answer questions on here with you . I told nymph I'd handle the one up top, he asked, which all of your teams created here will be moved posted so it never moves from the top :) . Mobile don't let me admin.. 💩 lol... again thanks man
I think this May have gotten off topic. Shouldn't we be posting which group to REGULARLY raid with? For example, raid team 1 is 6 dads every tues at 9 pm eastern.
We'll be handing this no problem. .. more of an up to date post will be arriving soon with multiple team slots. . Build your group but remember this is to get it done quick so we can help other dad's that's don't know much about the raids also I'd like to see one straight noob in each team if that's possible.
U on Xboxone?