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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
Edited by DarkChildOfLight: 11/14/2014 5:39:40 AM

Dear Guardian, This Is Why You SHOULD NOT be Raiding.

Dear Guardian, As much as I like to help and encourage people I must stress a few reasons why you [u][i]SHOULD NOT[/i][/u] be taking part in a Raid on The Vault Of Glass. [u][b]1. You are below Rank 27.[/b][/u] The lower your Rank, the less damage you can do. And I mean waayyyy less! At Rank 25 you are looking at a 43% reduction in damage output! [u][b]2. No Mic.[/b][/u] You refuse to use your mic or you don't have one or people in your house are sleeping. For whatever reason, you are not on your mic. Communication is absolutely 100% critical in the VoG. Sometimes you even need to back out into Orbit to fully discuss and strategize. Impossible if you are not using your mic. [u][b]3. Party Chat.[/b][/u] Even worse than not having a mic is not joining (or leaving) a Party Chat. The game volume is less loud when you are in a Party Chat , as opposed to in game chat, so its easier to communicate without everyone raising their voices over gun fights (i.e. the Destiny chat). If you are in the in game chat and we are in Party Chat then we can't hear you and you can't hear us! [u][b]4. Leadership[/b][/u] Only one or two people should be giving out orders and instructions during critical moments and battles. Nobody else should speak over them except to call out things that change the game i.e. Relic, teleports, oracles, strong enemies, health, hazards, situation report, countdown (time's vengeance) etc. [u][b]5. Its not a Strike.[/b][/u] People often start playing the VoG and within an hour they are saying that they have to leave for work or to sleep or eat or whatever else. Please don't start playing if you haven't got the time to spare. This isn't going to be done quickly unless [b]YOU[/b] and [b]YOUR WHOLE TEAM[/b] absolutely know what they are doing in the VoG. Every time someone leaves, that person has to be replaced. The new person has to be 'worked in' and that can take a while. If someone else leaves 30mins later and the pattern continues then you can see how things can drag out. Yes, we have a week to complete the VoG and there are checkpoints but that is besides the point. Think about how you are affecting the team. Don't just join to get that one chest and then leave. [u][b]6. Weapons, Supers, Builds & Perks[/b][/u] Use what will benefit you and your team. This isn't the time to be using a weapon just because you like the look or sound of it. This isn't the time to be doing your bounties. This isn't where you level up your character. You are facing the Vex. They use purple shields. You need weapons and builds that maximise Void damage to break these shields. You need Titans who are using Defender. Hunters should be using Invisibility in the Gorgon's Labyrinth and Golden Gun during Boss fights and for Oracles. Warlocks can go either way. Customise your perks so that they help you and your team to get through. Don't be lazy. Don't be selfish. [u][b]7. Be patient with people.[/b][/u] Not everyone knows the ins and outs of the VoG. Everyone on the team should be welcoming to someone who is new to it and take the time to explain things before and as they happen. Don't just kick someone because they got it wrong 5 times in a row. People won't begin to get better until they fully understand what is happening. There are different reasons why the whole team gets wiped. Explain them fully. If things are not going well its a good idea for everyone to regroup in Orbit, ask how everyone is feeling, try to give encouragement and keep morale up. Talk about where things are going well and where things need work. Restock on ammo at the Tower and maybe take a real life break for 5 mins before getting back into it. [u][b]8. But I was invited...[/b][/u] Thats fine. If you find yourself in a fireteam of 6 and on route to Venus and you know that you haven't got time or that you are not ready, then please politely let the others know ASAP. That way you can get going to what you really want to do and the rest of the team can start looking for a replacement without anybody having their time wasted. You are helping the team out more by giving notice to leave right at the start. We've all been there. One minute you are doing your own thing then you get an invite to do something that you would rather not do at that time. [b][u]Summary[/u][/b] If you are unwilling to follow this advice then you are severely hindering your team's progression within the VoG. Please do the right thing and don't play unless you are willing to do your best to help everyone to get through it. I am writing this out of love. So that we can all benefit. Regards, A [url=]Thorny Guardian[/url] P.S. If you can think of more reasons why people shouldn't raid [i]just yet[/i], please say below but be constructive. Thanks in advance!

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  • I can agree with some of your points, disagree with some of them, and a few of them are either common sense or I don't care about them enough to agree or disagree. I do agree that you should be a fairly high level. 26, I think, is a good starting level. I was 26 first time I did the raid. It was still incredibly challenging. But it was still super fun. The main thing I disagree with, though, is if they don't have enough time. Of course it's not a strike. If you're too self centered to think that if someone leaves and your progress on the VoG is going to be severely hampered, then it deserves to be. You have one whole week from the progress reset. For people who haven't done it just yet, they might need a few days. They haven't done it enough to go through it in one run. You need to be patient with them and just exit to orbit if they have to leave and continue as a full fireteam tomorrow with them instead of inviting a level 30 right as they leave. That's pathetic and disrespectful. Even if you only take 30-45 minutes a day on each part, you'll get done before the weekly reset. Get through the door, find your way to the Templar's Well, and there, you can leave and join someone else's fireteam so that you can complete the raid. Just be sure and help your buddy that had to leave finish it when he comes back tomorrow. I've been on both ends of the stick though. Sometimes I've been the guy who has to leave. Normally when that happens it's fairly late and we all agree we'll team back up the next day around the time we started at. I still haven't seen this happen lol. I've also been frustrated that someone had to leave, allowing us not to finish. I joined another team who was just starting and we got it done from first to last ;) and then when my original team was getting back together I went and helped them through the rest of it because I made a commitment to them that I was going to help them get all the way through it. And we did. I've even helped people I didn't know at all through the raid, after I'd already finished the raid 3 or more times in a week. But I digress; you don't have to complete the raid in one fell swoop. And I severely disagree with your statements about using mics. I do have a headset. But all of my playtime in Destiny, my headset was 5 states away. One of the good ones that has the in-game audio and sliders to adjust the volume of the game and voice chat separately. Would've been awesome if I'd had it, I could've gotten a lot more done. But I didn't have a mic at all. 120+ hours without a mic. I felt naked. But, I've still managed to complete the raid a handful of times. Many of those times I'd pay close attention to how many kills I get compared to everyone else. I was normally the top killer. I would also die the least, get spotted in the Gaze the least, kill the most oracles, kill the most praetorians, and kill the most supplicants. When other people would die I would keep a timer in my head and slowly work my way towards them while keeping the enemies down, or just flat out get to their orb as quickly as possible and defend their corpse until revive was available. But I was never able to talk. So I made use of pointing, sitting, dancing, and hiding somewhere while I SENT THE LEADER A MESSAGE that he could relay to the rest of the team so we could quit wiping. I probably sent forty messages that night. I was getting frustrated. By the end of the night, though, they knew if I wasn't moving that I was about to make it easier for them, and we were about to wipe. So they all jumped, and when I sent the message I waited for it to be read aloud and I jumped too. For those of you who think you absolutely need a mic to play the VoG: you don't. It isn't needed. There is not one area that requires you to open your loud mouth. If the first thing that comes to your mind is the Atheon fight, where you need to tell the three on the supplicant side which portal portal to open, let me let you in on a secret: you can figure out which portal to open if you just look at your radar. I was already opening the portal by the time the relic crew even remembered to let us know they were on Venus.

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    9 Replies
    • I've done it with 3 lvl 26 gaurdians in the group and beat vog

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    • Communication is key

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    • This is very solid advice, thanks TC!

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    • Is this your sick way of saying deaf cant raid cuz we chose not to use a mic since we cant hear or understand a word people says?? Im deaf and dont use a mic or anything. And yet i raid cuz we use messaging. Besides some ppl that played with me will vouch that deaf can raid really good. What we lack in hearing in games, we make up for fighting harder since we are more focused. So dont say mic is 100% needed when you can just play without one and be fine.

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      20 Replies
      • I've beaten VoG twice with my lvl 25 hunter (with a full group of course)

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      • Good post! I got to point number 4, but had to put the kids to sleep.

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        • Great post, only thing I can disagree with is the no mics, the three times I've done the raid have been late at night when my kids are asleep an none of the groups minded I was minus a Mic as I listened and followed instruction. Some people either can't use a mic due to family situations or are just not comfortable talking to random strangers, doesn't mean they shouldn't raid. After years of raiding in different mmos I'd rather have someone with no mic than someone who can't listen and follow instructions.

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        • Unless the high level can carry hard enough. But as much as I love wasting heavy systhesis. I don't.

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        • You sound wicked fun.

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        • Edited by Arppis: 10/24/2014 5:08:24 PM
          This is why Bungie doesn't want matchmaking in the game. Because you don't have to make big list of do's and don'ts, as you control the group you are with. You don't get random surprises.

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        • Number 7 is important to me

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        • Only one I really disagree with is 5. Bungie set up checkpoints for people who don't always have that extra time. I think as long as the people joining the raid are very up front about how much time they have there should be no problems.

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        • Add on*** The ps4 comes with a mic so there is no excuse. 2) I plugged my beats headphones in and it works perfectly mic and all. Plus the added bass gives an awesome different experience. (The night fall actually scared me through my headphones)

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          2 Replies
          • Try harder. I've had half the team with no mic and we still finished it. The only person who needs a mic is the "leader". The raid is not even hard.

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            3 Replies
            • This is the exact reason I never Raid, people have been kind enough to offer, but with rl commitments and a young child I can't always speak on the mic, and if they wake up crying that's my priority. I don't want to ruin someone else's in-game experience due to my rl commitments. I am happy doing strikes and weekly's, and if that means I never ding 30 then so be it, I would like to raid, but as I said before I am not about to ruin anothers in game time. It's also the reason I avoid the Crucible, normally I am a decent PvP player, but for whatever reason I just can't get to grips with Destinys PvP, so I avoid it, I don't want to be rewarded for being horrible while the MvP gets nothing.

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              11 Replies
              • Lol I've beaten the raid with no one using mic. The raid in general isn't even hard.

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                2 Replies
                • A question regarding weapons: Aside from PI my lock only has rare Specials. Would that be an issue? I ask because I haven't found any legendary Fusions whatsoever (only sniper rifles, and my lock isn't geared for them).

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                  • Bump

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                  • Also we typically have 1 guy directing the entire time until we hit the portals. After that we have someone directing portal team and defense team. Very little headache.

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                  • Edited by BloodyBullet258: 10/24/2014 3:20:09 PM
                    I agree with some of this but not all of it. The last team i was with beat the vault in less than 2 hours and only 3 people know what their were doing (my self included). We had one person with no mic. one who has never seen the templar before and an other who never made it pass the templar. We still made it through fine.

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                  • Haha man i completely understand. Sometimes party chat can suck. A few weeks ago I was running relic during the atheon battle. What happens??? I was the only one to get booted from party chat. I was counting down, but turns out nobody could hear me. Good thing I was running with friends. I thought everyone went full retard and couldn't listen. And they thought I was an idiot and couldn't run relic. Finally we all got on the same page and had a good laugh.

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                  • Edited by Desso Studios: 10/24/2014 3:22:52 PM
                    I don't raid because I'm old, slow and an extremely bad shot! At 54 with contacts, glasses and hearing aids, when I try a simple strike the other 2 players usually jump out of the game in frustration, I'm sure. Then I'm left alone to face the big cheese and you can guess how that goes! It's the 8th wonder of the world that I'm almost to level 25 lol. edit: I guess I'm not at a high enough level to raid anyway. edit 2: It sure sounds like fun, though and it sounds like it would be a good training simulation for our guys and gals in uniform with the discipline it requires.

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                  • U don't need a mic to complete the raid . Each week my main group run through the VoG without a single word being spoken. U just need to play your role and survive. We also had a first timer that was deaf but communicated by sign. Ie: jump for yes I understand or crouch for no .we also set challenges for ourselves as well like. How many gorgons we could kill in the maze. Or who can reach the gatekeeper the fastest in the jumpin platforms . Join us as we raid 5 times a week both normal and hard

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                  • 10. this is serious work your not allowed to have fun

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                    • Thanks for the advice. AnthonyR1969

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