originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
[spoiler] you only get ascendant material [/spoiler]
27 Self-Rez warlock looking to try the raid out for the first time. Have mic add me on ps3 E_man_e138
I'm on ps3 needing help with the raid, i am currently a level 24 Titan close to level 25. If someone can help me complete it I hopefully get enough light to level up.
Party of 2 looking to do the raid! Both lvl 27 and little to no experience. Add me at: iKoNiiKs
Edited by Jokingace53: 10/15/2014 2:02:32 AMPS3 Warlock lvl 28 Psn - jokingace53 I'm looking to a join a new raid, send me a invite. Put "want to join new raid?" in the description so I know the invite is for the VoG.
Anyone wanna try and kill atheon? Lvl 28 warlock I got one more good player ;-) lvl 27 warlock and we both know the drill!
Lvl 27 hunter looking for fresh vog add me HD_x_R3MiX
Three Lvl 28 characters... User name spikeyac everyone add me... I have a mic... Want to play normal raid and on hard... Add me!
I need help w vog raid lvl 26 warlock I have mic pl help
Level 27 hunter with mic just looking for some people to play with
LVL 28 Warlock PSN igothangover I do raids regularly with a few bloody good players, completed raid once, failed the others purely because of Time and bad teammates that just rush everything
Hunter blade dancer looking for raid group psn:zomz_assasin
Lvl 26 Titan. Add me, killtaculor1211. My friends and I are always looking to raid
Add me level 28 Titan need destiny friend I can help out I have mic add me ps3 psn mariooj12
Level 27 Warlock add me on ps3 zaric-dubstep
Want to do raid , lvl 27 hunter I have mic Psn : magic_poo241
No team to raid with, need help with VOG or Nightfall. Lvl 27 Titan nearly lvl 28. Add Bkean1182
Anyone want do nightfall or vog? Level 27 warlock with mic add me (shat_myself_now)
Anyone up for VOG or nightfall give us an add Psn: anatha111 Lvl 27 warlock and lvl 27 Titan with mic
Lv 26 warlock ps3. Warrior 9770
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [5] open slots psn: "HAMB0L1C10US"
Who's tryna do the raid? I'm level 27 and probably will have some people on 28+. Add me: kamakazie_rambo
Edited by shady101: 10/31/2014 1:42:30 AM
Hi i'm level 26/27 and I would like help with the raid on normal difficulty tomorrow. PLS. My id is valheru13 and my name is Jack.