originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
2 good players and one not so good signed up for regular daytime team play so far. Need at least 3 more newbs, vets or losers for vault assault
xXDemonWolfXxSAE 28 Warlock Both classes maxed All Legendary or Exotic armor / weapons I have a Burning Desire to be in an Active Clan and Farm Raid Daily Weekly EVERYTHING including to learn and win !!!! On The Hunt for Better Gear in the Raids ... Also Spitfire-420- Lvl 27 Titan Also Rockin Mostly Legendary and at least one exotic
Level 27 warlock Looking for team to play VOG. First time. All legendary and exotic gear Psn. TRiXX1982
Hunter lvl 28 - have mic but bad english, i speak spanish Ive been on VOG once from begining on lvl 30 to end, just by following team, but at the end they kick me out for giving the slot to another of their friends Noctis_Koi-san
Vault of Glass for 26 @ gatekeeper 3 slots open gt is epicrandomness20
Edited by superman4231: 10/23/2014 9:57:04 PMLvl 26 lock with all legendary gear looking for a team to run the VoG. Will be on til ~10pst tonight. Then back on before Xûr shows up tomorrow. Add me on psn: superman4231
Lvl 27 hunt. All legendary gear with exotics. Lfg norm vog. No mic but can handle my own
need 5 people, i'm at gate keeper checkpoint ps3 level 27 striker/defender
Just made lv 26, looking to see what VOG is all about. Usually on during the day if anyone wants to team up for raid or strikes. rschizzlecrib (psn)
Level 28 Hunter looking to do the raid for the first time, i have a mic Psn: Masaloakz Available tonight and all day tomorrow
Add me and I'll help take you thru raids Best to have at least 1 Titan with power bubble
Level 26 titan looking to do raid for first time this weekend. Could some experienced people help?
we have 5 in our group my PSN: codyb321
Lv 27 Warlock If u need Help I'm avaible now
Anyone in for a raid add: oOMrVendettaOo Lvl 26+ and mic ;-)
Need people for a fresh start on the vault preferably with mics. DeviDogOfWar
Anyone trying to do a raid right now add me-sk8nking. I'm looking to go in soon
Level 27 Warlock looking to try VoG for the first time. Anyone who is willing to lend a hand and show me how its done add me. PSN: raijinknight [And yeah, I have a Mic]
Lvl 26 hunter looking to do Vog for first time tonight. Add me TAGninga PS3 w/mic
Add me puffinfunbox level 28 titan with mic
Edited by HazzyMancer: 10/22/2014 1:04:26 AMVog newbie lfg on ps3. Level 28 warlock, both subs maxed, no mic but can do skype, psn hazzymancer
Level 29 gunslinger, already completed on hard without pushing him off, and on normal plenty of times. Add me on psn -> astrologyy
Lfg to help with weekly heroic or if any one needs a spot filled for raid lvl 27 warlock no experaince with raid but want to learn ( bellybuttonninja) add me
want to do a raid bad. lvl 27 hunter. no experience with VOG. could also use some cool guys to run lvl 28 missions with me. please friends me: Tommyisgod.
Join "PS3 raids find help" group to get ps3 users only, new group. I'm available for raids after 1am west coast time due to work Add-sk8nking I'm always down to raid
Setting up a raid team right now for VOG [4] open slots Add me quick, bskftw Mic only