originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Btw my gamertag is Tenacious_Sard
Need hard raid group I'm a lvl 30 with Mic pm me
Looking for four guardians VOG reg
Just looking to do the raid on reg, Titan lvl27 Psn:remotebatery
have final boss save need a team to take him down my psn is Codyb321
Level 28 hunter looking for 5 people lvl 26 plus add me psn JackBO567
vaûlt of glass me and my buddy me 26 walrock him hunter 27 add davedawhitefoo
I'm saved to Aethon on my Titan and looking for a group to help down him. 27+ and know fight please. I'm also looking to do a fresh run on my hunter. Add me with message saying 'Fresh Raid' or 'Aethon' .. TILMakeEmTap.
Need raid team. Lvl 29 warlock Experienced Normal or hard PS3
Level 30 warlock/ 29 hunter/ 25 Titan do all hard content weekly looking to expand friends list add me jkizme very helpful player [ps3]
Edited by m300bt3: 11/6/2014 8:50:31 PMLvl 28 Hunter Looking for good Raid Coach's to help coach some newbies. Atheon check point at the moment. Will be starting in 3hours- if interested add GT: m300bt3
Does anyone have a atheon hard checkpoint ? Could run it with you if you need someone Lvl 29 Titan
Level 25 warlock I completed raid 3 times on my level 27 hunter add me SARGEBTDAVE415
Looking for people to do vog later fresh must be level 26+ and have a mic add iiiterror
SPARTANxFEARx23 add me ps3. I'm warlock lvl 27
Need 1 27+ with mic .. message tilmakeemtap
I'm a level 29 titan looking for anybody to do the raid.. Psn: POTATOFACTORY
Just wanna actually do the raid. psn: threelazys
Lvl 27 Titan w/mic LFG VOG or weekly
Edited by Jacob1123_: 11/6/2014 1:24:33 AMNeed people to help with Atheon checkpoint. Psn: Jacob1123_. *Done already. Sorry*
Looking for a fresh run, Iam a hunter with a mic lv 28 have completed vog 5 times
Hunter with atheon checkpoint normal, know exactly what to do, need firearm to beat it right now
PSN: hershey_14 Lvl 27 Warlock Vog & weekly challenges also Just add me and invite i join
Looking for Athlon checkpoint hard my game bugged and reset back to gatekeeper got 3+ people for a lobby Lvl 29 Titan
Looking for people to do raid with today?
The one and only PSN: King_of_Tales Lvl 26 warlock No mic but I work well with others. I've never done VoG yet but I learn quick and I know how to hold my own.