originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Who wants to help with atheon?
Level 29 hunter looking to do the raid on hard. I have plenty of raid experience, as I've completed the raid 6-7 times. I have a mic. Available weapons i have are Atheon's Epilogue and Vision Of Confluence for primaries, Patience And Time and LIGHT/Beware for specials, and a Void rocket launcher that does 242 dmg i believe. Comment below if you would like to raid with me. Im on PS3 at the moment. I'll be online in a few minutes. Gamertag's yG6ll7. Game on, guardians. Lol. :P
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] Lvl 27 Warlock looking for group for vog normal with mic Gt- manuelsu
Need one lv 30 or experienced lv 29 for raid on hard. Now. Must have mic.
29 Titan .. experience w mic. LFG for normal fresh run of VoG. PSN TILMAKEEMTAP
Edited by nelja1: 11/12/2014 8:23:53 PMLevel 29 warlock / level 29 titan but I need to do it on my hunter level 25 I'm highly experienced and I have a mic gamer tag: nel_ja1 ps3 (vog normal or hard)
Want to do VoG soon LV 28 hunter Add me if you want to join me ChaoticTurtle314
Vog raid at atheon checkpoint only 3 spaces left must be level 27+ have a mic and know what they're doing if anyone is up for it add iiiterror
Vog reg. Ps3, now. No exp want top change this. Psn: HerrDvonW Lvl29 hunter with mic and exo weapon.
If anyone needs one more for raid add me. Level 28 hunter with a mic. Psn: tpbaxter1
Anyone up for a raid now. I have a mic and am lvl 27 sun singer warlock.
lvl 27 sun-singer warlock here. Haven't beaten raid yet because I have no friends that okay this game. Im a good shot and have fast revive upgrade on my exotic helmet. Basically played entire game solo. PSN buggasnot. Be on at 12am eastern.
lvl 30 hunter have raid saved on gatekeeper normal. anyone want to join up comment here or friend me
I'm here in u need someone to to the raid with just message my psn is Jackson-_-_-D private message me on given and I'll get back to u when u can
Lvl 27 hunters for vog normal 4 spots open PSN. Hamkneegrow
VoG Reg. (2) LVL 29 (3) LVL 28 (1) Open Slot Add Ghxzt-
Need one more person for weekly add jrRko_ if u wanna join
Level 28 hunter looking to do raid at 7:30 eastern time. Add me if you want to join psn: tpbaxter1
28 Titan w mic looking to do vog psn sharpshootax
Now I'm lvl 28 warlock, all legendary and exotics. Looking for people to do the vault TONIGHT. Ps3: superman4231
Hey need help on the Raid/vog ,need a team I'm lvl 27 hunter, on ps3 on normal at the beginning. Psn: Dead-pool005
Need 5 people to help with gatekeeper checkpoint and then Atheon. Psn: Jacob1123_
28 Warlock LFG for fresh normal run. PSN - TILMakeEmTap
Lvl 27 max sun singer. Looking to do the raid later today. PSN- DeathByDiamondz8
Edited by Nordin D Bouchta: 11/11/2014 7:30:09 PMGuys, i want to do the raid. I am a level 28 hunter, add me if i can help or be helped, nordin_bouchta
Anyone have checkpoint on Atheon on lvl 30 add Jetblast55