originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] Shanelewzader
Need 5 level 29+ with mics to do the hard raid. Psn: Jacob1123_
Raid Atheon checkpoint u could get a elemental primary… 4 spots add Maxumi-1 for invite
Need one player for raid add Epic_Slap_Shot warlock lvl 28
Level 27 Hunter looking to do vault... I do the vault every week on my level 29 and 28 characters too. Psn: POTATOFACTORY
Need 5 people to do a raid with on PS3 PSN biggat420 VOG Normal
Lvl 30 hunter and lvl 29 Titan looking to do VOG on hard have oracle cp
Warlock 29 all weapons and subleases upgraded fully.psn enki1993 lets get this -blam!-ing armor people!
LFG Fresh hard raid - 29 Titan (yogogoba)
Need 3 for VOG on normal run. Then might do a hard run. Fresh start. 28 or higher please. And experience. Add xxdarkness08
Need help and raid from the beginning, be atleast lv 26 and have a mic ( write your name below and ill add you )
Add me on PS3 - checkpoint at Atheon hard - marjor02 Is my username
I've never completed a raid id appreciate some help I'll be on all day add me or reply back it'd be great to actually complete one just tell me what to do and I'll do it
People who know what to do, and have mics, add Amito_Nya for normal raid, i'm lv 27 Defender
Fresh ps3 Vog id, now. Add: HerrDvonW. Lvl 29 Hunter Never don this before, want too change this :(
4 more spots open for raid we are hunter lv28 and titan lv29 the raid is going to start when we are 6 psn noury94
RAID on normal with one open spot PSN hamkneegrow
Looking for people lvl 28+ to the raid atheon checkpoint Add me: Martoko11
Edited by Quasimofo170: 11/15/2014 2:03:35 AMWrong section meant ps4 Edit
Hey guys I'm trying to get a raid group trying to do raid on Friday my gamer tag is future_Soldier95 u don't haft to have a mic 27 and higher
Need people to do the raid be atleast lv 26 and have a mic ( write your name down below and ill add you )
Need 3 people to start a fresh Vog on normal must me lvl27+ a mic and prier experience add Tcjec4
2 lvl 27 hunters looking to raid PSN hamkneegrow
Edited by doabid: 11/15/2014 1:41:04 AMLooking for people for raid 27+ I have Atheon check add GT Maxumi-1 need to do ASAP
Looking for people who want to do the raid on normal from the beginning add: RemoteBatery