originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
I have 2 lvl 28 and 1 27 for the raid need 3 more preferably with a mic add me PSN hamkneegrow
Edited by frantic trickz: 11/24/2014 5:48:46 AMReg raid 5 open slots ps3 frantic_trickz add me
Lvl 29 warlock. APAC1979 ps3
Anyone interested in doing the raid on hard from the beginning add Epic_Slap_Shot bust be lvl29+
Edited by Ghozt: 11/24/2014 1:31:36 AMRaid with 2 open slots. Brownie points for LVL 28-30 Warlocks. Psn: Overload1220 or Ghxzt-
Level 30 titan looking to do atheon on hard. Have experience and mic. Psn: POTATOFACTORY
Looking for raid team lvl 27 hunter add PSN hamkneegrow
Let's do raid people lets get the stupid armor. enki1993
I search People for the normal raid!
Ready for VOG or Strike. I have a Level 28 Hunter
Need help with Atheon on hard. ChaoticTurtle314
Edited by bestgoaltender13: 11/23/2014 8:38:44 PM
Started a new topic: need raid partners for tuesday
Looking for lvl 30's to help beat atheon on hard add:tcjec4
Vog hard raid add iiiterror 29+ only
agentfox23 raid reg. and hard
Hard Raid, from beginning, only experienced+mic, lv29+, add Amito_Nya
still need help raid templar
Need help Checkpoint Templar !!!! lvl 26 to 30 thx for help !!
Atheon checkpoint normal add jogakenny
Need help with weekly heroic strike 27+
Need 3 more for normal raid add chargersRb3ast
Two level 30s a 29 and a 27 looking for two more to do the NORMAL Raid!! Add me: POTATOFACTORY
Ps3 raid on normal, be atleast lv 26 with mic( we are going to start from the beginning ) Post your username below
Any wanna do either raid from start or Atheon, join here
Anyone need help with the raid ?
Looking to raid or a nightfall add me same name