You guys are so great! You put me on a raid group a couple days ago and got me through my first time with patience and kindness - thanks for that. To return the favour, I'm willing to help any clan mates with dailies, weekly and/or nightfall most mornings - CST. Lvl 28 hunter, 27 warlock and am developing both characters so do 2x dailies etc. Msg me, same GT. Just don't ask me to make any sammiches :3
Wow what a GREAT Post! Like everyone before me said A Truly Inspirational post.... I look forward to gaming with everyone.
Great post like everyone before me said A True Inspiration.... I look forward to gaming with everyone.
Couldn't have said it better myself. You are a true inspiration for this clan gris and in glad I'm apart of a clan who has people like you in it to help out people. It makes being in this clan really worth it. With that being said Id also like to offer my support and help to anyone in here who needs it. I like running the raid and don't mind doing it multiple times. Same with the nightfall and weekly strikes and daily heroics. If anyone needs a hand, needs to be carried or just doesn't want to do it alone, hit me up. Message me on Xbox or thru this nifty little app. I hope to be as helpful as I possibly can. Thanks gris for being a pillar in this little community. You truly inspire the rest of us with your dedication to help new people and your patience and ability to teach any who need it.
Edited by Steel0range: 11/6/2014 12:53:26 AMGreat post! I just want to say from experience for those of you that have been turned away from raiding because of bad experiences in the raid with random teammates that I have done the raid both with members of this clan and with randoms, and it is honestly like playing two entirely different games. If you play with Grisbourne or other clan members, you will learn the mechanics of the raid, regardless of prior experience or skill, you will not be yelled at for screwing up a thousand times in a row, and most importantly, you will have fun. This is just the opposite of the experience of raiding with randoms where people pressure you, make you afraid to fail, refuse to teach you and then get mad when you screw up, or rage quit after one death. So basically what I am trying to say is, if you are hesitant to do the raid because of a bad experience in the past, I strongly encourage you to give it another shot with members of the clan (especially with Grisbourne because he will make you a master of the raid after one run through). I promise that the raid can be tons of fun if you do it with the right people!
This is exactly why I chose you Grid! You take the words out of my head haha
Edited by That Dude Jake: 11/5/2014 9:51:14 PMWhen the time comes to post members' names, do not forget mine. I'm willing to help with dailies and the raid. Not the raid on hard, though. I usually need a hand on that one. But soon, I hope to be leading the main crucible teams for any upcoming pvp events.
Great post Gris!! :) I agree with everything you addressed here, and all goes ditto for me, lol!!