Sweet stuff last night guys for the 5-6 of you that reached out and grouped up, saw a lot of sweet loot last night from running a couple of Nightfalls. Hit me up during the week if you guys need a hand, I would love to help out, thanks!
Lvl 28 Titan Mid-West time zone- 9:30 I'll be on somewhere from 10:30 to 12:30 I'll gladly try to help the lower levels through it!
30 warlock will take anyone through I'll spend my night doing it don't matter just ask if you don't ask me I'll end up in a hard raid and won't respond I don't respond during my hard raids available 8pm est till I get tired
Edited by Steel0range: 11/5/2014 12:44:26 AMGt: SteelOrange3398 Lvl 29 warlock Est time zone No set availability but I am capable of soloing all nightfalls (I'm a bit shaky on Cerberus Vae though) and am always willing to help clan members get through nightfall when I have time. I will usually post something on the clan message boards before I do a nightfall so look for that. Also, even if I don't post anything, if you still need help(whether it's for the nightfall or anything else really), don't hesitate to send me a message on Xbox, and if I'm online and have time, (rhyming skills on point lol) I will be glad to help with anything you need. Make sure to mention that you are in the clan as I will be much more likely to help you if I know you are a clan member! P.S. I won't be on Xbox much this week but after this week I will be on much more so hit me up then.
GT: FiveFoldAngels 29 hunter 27 warlock Pst I'm available most evening after 5 or 6 my time. After I run it once I'll be good to take anyone else who needs it thru.
GT: Tampa Rays 29 Hunter EST, usually on in the evenings Not in dire need of someone to run with, but always willing to help those who are :)
Fire this @#$% the @%@# up! Bump Bump Bump I will be available for Nightfall runs from 5 PM mountain time to about 12:00 AM mountain time, hit me up on xbox live. GT is Grisbourne, it is now 1:12 in the afternoon. Less than 4 hours from now be prepared to loot, loot, loot.
Information: GT - Grisbourne Level 29 Mountain Time US - Currently 7:07 AM Hunter Available Times to Help - From 4:30 PM to about 6:00 AM tomorrow I love taking lower level guys through here, the only thing is that you have to hang back, grab a mic, listen up and revive when needed. Took well over 15 guys through the Nightfall last week and they all grabbed loot as well as that tasty exp. bonus for the week. Send me a friend invite anytime and we can get this party started.
28 Titan game time varies due to military
Edited by DirectorNasty: 10/14/2014 1:58:51 PMgt: DirectorNasty 10am eastern right now lvl 27 warlock free for the most part today if you need help just message me here and i'll get on asap