The Phoenix Army
"For who so ever, sheds their blood with me today, will be my family."
originally posted in:The Phoenix Army
I will tell you now members who are seeing this, we have a opportunity to do something truly special in terms of our playing as a group. You have a host of brothers willing to play with you, to work with you to accomplish tasks that benefit YOU. Take advantage of the invitation that is in front of you now. Some of these players are extremely gifted at this and many other games and have various expertise and knowledge all their own, I implore you to search them out and benefit from the help they are willing to give. As our core group becomes more active both in communication and coordination it will also grow, requiring more responsibility from our members who qualify for such positions to lead and coordinate their brothers and sisters to accomplish tasks that our beyond the reach of the community at large. Will that be you? Will you work with your team to become great and help other do the same, accomplish what they before could not? I know you can, I know you are out there and I have faith in who and what we are as a community. We will not fade into obscurity, we will not loose ground, we will not kneel nor bow down, we will not go gently, we are the fire rising from the ash of what was once dead, we burn hot and bright for all eternity, show us you're light brothers and sisters.