originally posted in:FWC Core
When you take your first steps into the Destiny Beta in Summer, what will be first on your list and why? Explore? Multiplayer? Story? What is on your to-do list?
Try not to die.
make an awoken hunter get good weapons try out all game types decapitate fallen captain with throwing knife jump off the tower and die because #yoluyra (you only live until you respawn again) then find the sniper closing time also fint the pistol thorn after i have been awake without sleep for weeks until the end of the beta on the last day of the beta i will try to defeat a devilwalker by myself and fail miserably and cry myself to sleep every day before the beta comes out
I just want to know what kind of game modes will be [i]in[/i] the Beta before I begin fantasizing, I'll be disappointed otherwise.
Play it. Understand it. Give Feedback. Gotta make this game last. If people want to treat it like a demo, fine. But someone's gotta do it.
Try and brake the game. Ya-know... Like the beta is for...?
Edited by Squizzlor: 11/13/2013 7:30:43 AMok feel like Im going to be hated on here... But uhm... test the game, and write down and review UI, gamplay, featurs, and glitches... like a beta tester should?
Tea bag a fellow guardian
1) Take a full millennium on character creation 2) have epileptic seizures ( just joking I don't have epilepsy). 3) Do some of the story (if Bungie included it in the beta) 4). Explore 5). Competitive multiplayer 6) Public events 7). More story 8). Go to Venus 9). Kick some Vex ass (or get kicked in the ass by the Vex) 10). Travel to moon 11). Enter Hellmouth 12). Slay the giant Ape-Hive guy 13). Go to the Tower customise my ship 14). Explore Last City 15). Fap and wank 16). Explore some more 17). Get bored of Destiny and cancel my preorder ( Oh hell no I'm not being bored of Destiny or cancelling my preorder) 18) more story 19) More competitive multiplayer 20). Eat some food 21). Dump off a load in toilet 22). Go to sleep on the toilet [spoiler]so doing everything on my list *serious face*[/spoiler]
1. Grab a sniper or a sniper rifle. 2. Go to the moon and kill some... Whatever I run into. 3. Take in all the beauty and look at Earth. 4. Fall asleep on my couch.
Get cape. Wear Cape. Swish my cape at people. Swish.
Be the guy aimlessly wandering around looking at pretty things to get ideas for a machinima. Also endlessly customizing my gear.
1) buy titanfall
Well first would be to explore to see the scenery, meet a few people and party up then play coop and get a glimpse of the story (one of the main reason why I like this game because of its kick ass story/plot) then after that go kick some guardian ass on pvp take screenshots and video footage of my gameplay and if im in a good mood I will do the following. 1. post screenshot and videos on xbox fb groups and forums 2. send a link of the screenshots and videos to those xbox cry babies here just to piss them off
I'll figure it out if/when I get access to the Beta, but I'm sure I'll try to go and experience everything at least a little bit.
Just gonna wing it all
Play with the focus system. Get guns. Pair what guns go with foci. See how customizable things are. Smash. Bomb. And stab.
Edited by MarvelousWalter: 12/24/2013 4:00:31 AMThe most important thing for me in the Beta is to find out what class I like best. I will separate the time that the Beta will last into thirds and spend equal time with a Human-Titan, Exo-Hunter, and lastly an Awoken-Warlock. Freakin' Ass dudes.... If I'm this excited already this Beta is going to have my brain on Destiny 24 F-ing 7 once it's over and we have to wait a few months for the full game. P.S. Screw Sony for paying Activation to get it on PlayStation's first.
No one can ever answer this properly. We don't know what the beta will feature.
I will game 24/7 and complete the game. Lol
Find the Black Garden as soon as possible and unlock as many secrets as possible.
Find the funds necessary to acquire a console.
Edited by Simply Trash: 12/24/2013 12:20:17 AMExplore and/or F*ck Shit Up
Explore and get what there is to get, then go into multi-player and hopefully get enough footage to make a beta-tage. Like I did for the Reach beta.
Stuff. Lots of stuff.
Does anyone know how long the beta is going to be?