originally posted in:FWC Core
When you take your first steps into the Destiny Beta in Summer, what will be first on your list and why? Explore? Multiplayer? Story? What is on your to-do list?
1. Finish the fight
Step on. F*** b****s Step ten. Get mony Stp sevn. Kill zombes Step six. Lern how to cont Step nime. Learn ho two spel
Get the Closing Times and begin the hunt!
Explore everything the game has to offer.
4. Create Backward List 3.School The Bitches 2.Customize shtuff 1. Start Beta
find rare and exotic weapons
Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill
Shoot something.
Get geared. -blam!- bitches. Play Destiny.
Imma have a Destiny party.
1: Look for flying narwhal(s) 2: Shoot enemies in the head 3: ???? 4: PROFIT!
Go on a vacation... On Mars!!!
getting that thunderlord and max out it's weapon tree!
See if my character can take a dump… next gen, right? #PS4SUCKA!
I'll probably try to do something awesome, like do EVERYTHING in the beta.....but I'll probably end up just randomly jumping around on ledges while I talk to friends [spoiler]by the way does anybody else do that [/spoiler]
Stopping every 5 seconds to simply crouch down to get a detailed look at the graphics and make sure they're top notch on the PS4
i dont think there will be any story in it, i think you will just be given a character creation screen and dropped off into the city to test certain areas of the game that have been allowed to us by the almighty seven! ps i would just love to run around and look at everything i could see before the end of the beta!
I will be loving every minute if it. My list is to do everything possible in the beta and get in as much playing as possible.
Edited by ExtremistFlyer7: 12/26/2013 12:54:35 AMJust reserved the game today soooooooo Step 1:Breakfast then Load up beta. Step 2:Stare in awe of the load up screen. Step 3:Take Photos of this wondrous moment. Step 4:Take time,lots of time creating My Guardian. Step 5:Wander around,sight seeing. Step 6: Play a competitive game mode,only one. Step 7:There is no Step 7(Might get something to eat) Step 8:Put try hard face on and actually start Beta testing(I.E trying to make the game break) Step 9:After a few hours of Step 8,Try to do a strike solo. Step 10:Look at my upgrades and upgrade a bit from my recent strike. Step 11:Get some friends and Do Strikes/Raids/Competitive Multiplayer. Step 12:after a few hours of step 11 Do step 8 but with friends. Step 13:Seperate from friends and do Solo Multiplayer and Hang out in tower(Might get something to eat) Step 14:Do step 8 for another hour before going to sleep. Step 15:Dream of Destiny before waking up and repeating all steps.
Find some awful bugs and tell Bungie about them. Find some awsome bugs and keep them to myself.
Kill everything...
Explore everything.
Explore with my friends
Become a ninja. No one will ever see me.
1) do a through run down of the character creator ensuring that there are no bugs glitchs while also cataloging all options and then figuring up the total number of possible unique possible characters using base selections (provided there is not a slider system for customizing and tweaking. Then providing my findings and opinion on what is availible. 2) I will proceed to play the game and seek to find all the corrupted data, bugs and glitchs in the game so the can be fixed 2a) play with all available weapons that come into my possession to test gunplay and weapon mechanics 2b) play with abilities of first class to test play and mechanics 2c) play in multiplayer to test balace of guns and abilities 3) create characters for remaining classes and repeat steps 1 and 2 4) report all findings to bungie so they can confer that such things need addressing or are as intended. 5) enjoy what ever time remains of the beta doing whatever I enjoyed most while testing.
Try not to die.