originally posted in:Polynauts
Since Destiny doesn't seem to have a good Clan system in game, i figured we could list our PSN names so we can get fireteams started.
Mine is SigEp_Raiders
UK player here. PSN is Twizlord Always looking for VoG fireteams, lvl 27 Hunter. Friday nights best for me, but I can work around whatever is convenient to get a good raid group going.
Edited by Tenaciouswho: 11/28/2014 6:10:57 PMPsn: Tenaciouswho add me for some leveling or low level raids
My PSN: alcubierre Feel free to add me, I'll be playing mostly every night (CET).
PSN: ottoman42 On a PS4 Please add me!
Looking forward to having fun guys/gals. Please add me. PSN: elitewillie
joalvarez37 on PS3 (:
Edited by Puntigamer: 9/17/2014 3:11:17 PMEdit: double post
I can be found at itbyrnes on PSN. I work during the day, so I am usually on after 5pm eastern.
Feel free to add me to your friends list and invite me to any fireteams when you see me online. I'm currently level 18 and am glad to help people just starting out (though I'm sure at this point most people are way ahead of me lol) PSN: SigEp_Raiders
Danyowell on ps4. I work, so you'll catch me online at night.
Outerspacejunky, ps4
GreatAmerican_ Family man here, so you'll mainly find me online at night (west coast).
PSN is Tyrogar - feel free to add me!
Psn idrinkyour
Edited by multiplexe: 9/11/2014 2:16:08 PMPSN - multiplexe I'm playing on PS4, GMT time zone - looking forward to seeing everyone!
Im on PS4 as Dayvie. Let's do this.
CMDShiftKill on PS3
IsykickI here
PSN: barndoor44 I won't have internet in my place until 9/19, but then I'll be all over this game.
PSN: retrodivot HST timezone
ThePwndexter - PS4
PSN: DomoBraden Polygon: DOAbarrelroll
Edited by playmikee: 9/10/2014 5:55:11 PMplaymikee - on PS3