originally posted in:The Black Garden
[url=https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1169903F0BD6A7E6!481&authkey=!AOb69G7Y1h-kLsE&ithint=file%2c.docx]First In[/url]
So, it's been what two months since the last time I posted? To those who noticed: sorry for the delay, to those who did not: I've got nothing. Anyway there's the link up top.
[url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Nora-Artemis-Sinclair-1-10/en/Forum/Post?id=62061583#referred-NORA]In case there's a new person with some interest, here is a link to the other parts.[/url]
Hmm, quite interesting. This Spartan Division sounds kinda like the Pheonix Program in the 60's during Vietnam.
Hail hydra!!!!!!!!
This is some of the best writing I've ever read. Beautify done man. So many questions... So little answers.
Well, I guessed wrong haha. Aaron is extremely loyal to Alicia. This Spartan program sounds very... well I can't find the word now, but I think for everyone who read it, knows what I'm talking about. Excellently written chapter full of questions and mystery. If I remember correctly, early in your story you mentioned that Nora was part of the Spartan group in that battle she "died" in. I'm getting the feeling her history is coming full circle, concluding much of her past.
I don't get it
Ummmmmm, who are you?