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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by FableTheFox: 4/11/2014 8:32:33 AM

Guardian tales: O`Brian Chapter I

[b]Chapter I "Meetings"[/b] O`Brian wakes up, unclear to what had just happened. He did not know whether or not this dream was a reality or just another fragment of the dream he is being haunted by. Just the thought of having to remember the dream itself was enough to make him nauseous. He claimed the dream only to be a nightmare and hopefully to be nothing more. All through out his thoughts, he was looking at the ceiling. The ceiling had a metallic look of silver and white with lines of black rubber lined metal to separate the metallic slates. Laying still was all he could do. His arms felt heavy and numb, along with the rest of his body. His head was the only thing that was able to move, no more than just a pivot. He looked over to one side of the room and looked into the room parallel to him. He saw what he thought to be somebody else. He took a longer look at the mirror to find a man with straight mohagony colored hair, with black faded at half an inch at the end of his hair. O`Brian`s eyes are as blue as the sky with a small tint of pale white to act as clouds in his eye. The room is lit up well enough for him to see what he sees now. The light, though, was too much for his eyes to be used too. The light from the outside is what mainly lit up the room, and it blinded him. O`Brian waited until his eyes adjusted to the lighting and continued to look outside from where he was laying. He figured that it was high noon, but the Traveler blocked most of it and he cast a shadow over the majority of the city. After looking outside for quite sometime, he heard the door to his room open and he slowly looked over to that direction. There he found a woman with a bouquet of roses. She looked exactly the guardian from O`Brian`s dream. She was wearing what seemed to be an academy uniform. It was all black with a medium grayish-white stripe lining the side of the uniform from torso to legs. "O`Brian!" she came bursting with joy as she saw that O`Brian was awake. "Your okay! im so glad that your alive!" "huh? where am I?" O`brian answered. "You`re in the 4th district hospital, Antrum Hospital of 4th district." she answered. "You`ve been out for a while. And might I add, you sleep like a baby." she said jokingly. "Wait. out? how long have I been "out" and what happened?" He asked. "Well, seeing that you hit your head pretty hard, I wouldn't be surprised if you've slept for a while. You`ve been in a coma for-" "Six weeks." A man came it with two security bots. Both had a skeletal looking structure to them with a white body and the FOTC logo engraved on their chest. The man had a general looking doctor`s coat and a clean shaved face. His hair was nothing much for it had grown gray of age, which lays on top of a happy mans face with a warming look to comfort even the most tantrum driven of children. No one would dare let this look of his dissipate, for it could mean trouble. On his coat held a name tag: Dr. G. Vara. The doctor continued, " You`ve been out for quite sometime my boy." "with the tech we have, shouldn't you guys be able to help me recover from a coma?" O'Brian questioned. "Well, my boy," he answered " we probably could have, but with the state you were in, all i could do was repair your fractured skull. That, was not much to do but if i were to awaken you while in a coma, i could damage your brain and either give you a heart attack, rendering you a useless guardian and husband." "(wait, did he say husband? i don't know what he means...)" O'Brian thought to himself as the word husband puzzled him. O'Brian decided to ask Dr. Vara."You said, that i'm married, who?" Dr. Vara replied in a joyful manner that it did not crush the social atmosphere. "Well, to this fine young lady right here! what? you don't remember the one you're married to?" "N- no...I don't..." O'Brian replied and then looked over to the Woman beside him to see that she had been saddened to hear that her husband remembers naught of the love they shared and especially that the two are married. The woman beside O'Brian began to speak but with a cracked tone, as if to start crying. "It`s me! Shion! Your wife!" (Shion is pronounced: Shee-Ohn) "Shion...huh?" "Yes, That`s right! It`s Shion!" "So...Beautiful..." It was then that at this time, O'Brian had begun to wander off into a deep sleep. Dr. Vara decided that it was best to leave his patient alone to sleep. He then directed Shion to the door as he followed behind. They let O'Brian sleep and they continued their conversation outside. Dr. Vara leaned up against the corridor wall closest to the door, careful to not open it. He began to speak. "Well, given his condition, he has amnesia." Shion responded with irateness and vexation, "Amnesia!? after something like this??, he at least had the helmet on!" "When he hit his head, he suffered multiple blows to the back of the head. With this, the helmet indented and the last hit on his head is what caused the most serious one. But it should be a minor case of amnesia. I did my best to reserve his self as he was when he went into that battle. He should also have about Eighty percent of hand-eye coordination right about now. By the time he wakes up again, he should have recollection of you, the kids, and his job as a guardian." Shion began to regain her confidence after hearing the good news that Vara had given her. With sound of courage she said, "Keep me posted, Doc!" After she said her good-byes, she set off to her home and kids. On her way home she realized that they were going to need food for the kids, for they were running out. As she heads out from the Hospital, she sets her new course for the bazaar in hope of finding a good deal on food. Shion had spent about two hours in the bazaar with little to no luck in finding a good deal of food sales. She grabs what she can and proceeds home, knowing that the kids will cheer her up. Shion arrives home and finds all her children clinging to her. Under the amount of stress Shion has undergone, she decides to go to bed early in order to get up early so that the kids can visit their hospitalized father. Shion awakens at approximately 6:00 am all scuffed and tired, but she get ready for her trip to the hospital, along with the children. The hospital does not open to visitors until 8:00 am so the family had time to spare. Just as they left through the front door, two ruffians showed up in front of the family Cornering them. But, a third one show up from behind them cutting off from escaping into the hospital. The two in front of the the family pulled out knives and did their best to rush Shion and her family to get their Glimmer, even the possibility of grabbing one of the younger children for underground trafficking-which is common practice for these criminals. These men were masked, so taking their ID's was not possible at the moment. One of the men began to make their move. There was no time the security bots would get to the scene on time with guardians(for they saw that this was happening and called for back up). Suddenly, a shot rang out from the door of the hospital. A man in a dirt covered hunters cape and old scavenged armor from the wasteland, was standing with a glowing hand cannon type special weapon. He had activated his focus bestowed upon him and many other guardians by the Traveler, Golden Gun. On this mans back were two weapons slung around on his back, an standard assault rifle scavenged from an old town and his fathers sniper rifle. This man, though, had instantly killed all three criminals with his sidearm. Two Titian class guardians came running with their weapons drawn. Seeing the three dead men, they looked to the hunter with his focus activated. (Guardians were given exceptional privileges because of their status. They are, of course, supposed to follow the rules of the last city. Under certain conditions, however, if the reasons are validative, then a guardian was most likely let go, but had to make it up in battle. But this incident was to be reported to the Director`s officials within 24 hours of the incident. This incident would not stop O'Brian from reuniting with his family). O'Brian had done this without thinking, as if it was an instinct. He was lucky to have gotten out of bed this morning for he would have witnessed a horrible event. Instead of going to the tower to report what he had just done he decided to speak with Shion and her kids. When at that same time, he heard another familiar voice from behind him. "O''s nice to see that you`re alive." [b]To be Continued...[/b] comment what you guys think!

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