originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Destiny Tracker has put up a nice new tool for [url=http://destinytracker.com/destiny/checklist/ps/lowlines]checking which weeklies you have done[/url]. Given your advisor progression is only available in a private API, I reckon they are pulling from [url=http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/GetActivityHistory]GetActivityHistory[/url] and compiling an info sheet based upon that. It obviously has some quirks because at least one of my characters has completed VOG on normal this week, but I thought it was an interesting way to get around not being able get this information without the user being logged in. What I think would help facilitate this kind of usage of the API would be to have a few extra filter parameters including obviously to select multiple [b]modes[/b] (instead of grabbing everything or in a separate requests), and some date range options so you could get all activities since the start of the week. It would also be great if there was another version of this endpoint that would pull from the account level so you could get all of your character's information in a single request. I currently have my own private weekly checklist that uses the private endpoint and while it is way more accurate, it can be freakishly slow to load all 3 characters on a single page :p
I have created a [url=http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_get_a_Weekly_Checklist_using_GetActivityHistoy]Tutorial page[/url] on how to achieve what I believe is the method DestinyTracker is using to generate a Weekly Checklist without using the [url=http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/GetAdvisorsForCurrentCharacter]GetAdvisorsForCurrentCharacter[/url] endpoint. I have tried to mimic the kind of responses bungie.net endpoints often give (perhaps on a skim milk diet though), but keep in mind this is just a proof of concept to demonstrate it can be done without the need of authentication. Until the ArenaChallenge information is included in the GetPublicAdvisors endpoint I will probably stick with the private endpoint for my own use, but its worth noting that once you include proper caching of endpoints, it actually takes roughly the same amount of time as using the private one.
Thanks! I did a post earlier to request the multiple modes, but I +1 your other requests. Cycling through the games is pretty slow. 3 characters, 4 modes = 12 requests. Unless I need to page more, which it will do if it needs. I'd love to have checkpoint data as well. I believe a bungie employee has confirmed the public advisors endpoint is getting a big update, so maybe that will solve a lot of our problems.