originally posted in:The 117th Regiment
Hey guys Merry Christmas! What do you guys want for Christmas? What I want for Christmas is to get a chance to play Destiny for a day. That would be awesome.
I know that I'll be finally picking up my PS4 for Christmas :D
Into the future to the day the last Destiny game is released. Then i could have tons of fun.
A Tavor (tar21) and a ported barrel for my glock
I want destiny to release faster so i can play it 24/7 and become op
a game cube. i miss the old times of mario kart, mario party4 and zelda ocarina of time. and a new fishing poll.
I just pucked up my xbone a few days ago, but since I have no games to play on it I'm hoping Santa will bring me Ryse, Dead Rising 3, and the banishment of all senseless threads in #Destiny
I have just got a bunch of stuff for my fish tanks new lights new sump. I need to order the lights and cold air intake i want for my car but still waiting to see how much cash I get because they cost a lot.
Seasonal wishes to all and happy times. I will be walking through hell X-mass is murder for any and all in the restaurant/kitchen world
Peace in #Destiny, that is all.