originally posted in:Art and Stuff
Do you enjoy creating or viewing art? [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/39813]Art and Stuff[/url] is the home of some of the most talented artists in the Destiny community, and also proves to be an excellent gallery and learning resource for aspiring artists. We also host regular contests, the results of our most recent can be viewed [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/39813/133012237/0/0]here[/url].
DeeJ himself was kind enough to provide some promotion in the past, heed his words and get on the art train, guardians!
[quote] [url=https://www.bungie.net/7_Communty-Focus-Art-and-Stuff-Contest/en/News/News?aid=10564]Art and Stuff is a great group - a great example of people using Bungie.net to sweeten their anticipation for Destiny.[/url] [/quote]
Join up ^_^
Have a heart.
I like art.
Hey, I like art and art
Liked, commented and subscribed.
Can confirm, it's filled with a bunch of very talented people who like to share their badass art and stuff.
It is a pretty cool group.
Bump! Art FTW!
Official Bump
I sent them an alliance invitation to TFLA. Their founder is inactive. 10/10 would reccommend.