originally posted in:PlayStation United
Great exclusives
Also, Destiny looked amazing! Can't wait to get my hands on it!
I was so excited after the Sony Press Conference. Quite a few of those Indie games looked interesting, Killzone: Shadow Fall and InFamous: Second Son as launch titles, No DRM, AND only $399. The only thing I have left for them to announce to see how great it'll be is how large the initial storage space is. I am hoping it's 500 GB at the least, due to the PS3 Super Slims being 500 GB and the XB1 being 500 GB. Only thing that bums me out a little is having to have PS+ to play online. I've had it since it came out and it's a GREAT deal, but quite a few of my friends (RL and PSN friend's list) don't see it as one.
Sony didn't need to use fake cheering and applause either.
rice does not make a system more fun
Only thing I am disappointed on is online pay. But hey cant have everything