originally posted in:Raid GAF
Lol I've been trying to wait for couple of ppl I play with to get higher lvl but they been not playing so
I haven't got a chance to play the whole thing lol alil lame. But ya
All full guys
Need one
Level 29 hunter and 28 warlock add me
Gamer tag xDarthGrintalsx
28 hunter gt masterspart4n
Level 18 hunter kinda wanna do this
Inv me my gt is x5DG TeBaGoBoTx lvl 28 titan
I'm a level 29 warlock. invite me. my tag is Vanilla Wonder
lvl 28 warlock already been through twice
28 hunter GT xFraz v3
I've got a lvl 27 hunter and lvl 26&27 with me so far xTH3xTH13Fx send me a message and I'll invite