originally posted in:Raid GAF
Looking for some people on xbox one who are 27+ for raids. Anyone interested? My GT is Conman739
Raid tonight at 7pm GMT I'll be sending out invites around then
I'm down add me lvl 24 Hunter gt Cimplicity612
Add me lv 27 warlock
Add me SmokeyGotKush lvl27 warlock sunslinger
[quote]Looking for some people on xbox one who are 27+ for raids. Anyone interested? My GT is Conman739[/quote] Add me. Tag is yaowa bro
GT: MrRandomMan IV Lvl 27 titan Out of interest i have a lvl 23 warlock Im all for the VoG raid
lvl 27 lock gt bazu in color
Ok I'll add all you tomorrow and we can start raiding as soon as
Add me! SiegfriedX Level 27 (almost 28) Titan Striker.
Add me phillystarz420 I'm a 26 warlock
Yes JBJamesG level 27 titan defender and striker
Looking for experienced players to help kill the final boss must know how to use relic and or defend the timegates!! Xbox 1
I'm pretty close to 27 and wanna do this been looking for ppl for awhile now. I got what it takes don't worry.
Hey I've with a group of 3 all lvl 27 trying to do the raid gt is squatting nev