Looking to run Crotas End tomorrow 7 am Pacific. 10 am eastern as well. Already have 2 others in group, 3 total. so if we cant get into DVs group we will have a couple of spots to fill.
Dv id like to talk with you ingame about strats for crota. My group has been stuck on this fight for awhile. 2nd week. Weve tried some strats and was going ok after 50runs but just dont seem to work. Im thinkin its all about timing but would like to bounce ideas of you. Hit me up when ur on and free
Found out about LV 32 enemies and was a lil sad I'd have to wait longer. I'd like to sign up if there are any open spots though. I plan on running through the first couple bosses with other groups if I can though. I heard those aren't so bad with Lv. 30s, and its a couple of chances for loot.