Another good thing about setting up relic holder outside early...use the super on Atheon at the very beginning of Time's Vengeance.
Sounds great but I'm a bit confused on the Titan bubble in the center. Since you can't shoot out of the Titan bubble are you just stating that by the time the relic holder gets there and creates the bubble that the Titan bubble has gone away? Or is there room for both bubbles on that platform, Titan in the back and relic up front?
I never thought of this but I wonder what Titan bubbling the top of the left rock on the platform would be like? Wonder if that would fit. Would minimize that pesky splash damage you get off of that rock some times.
Nice progression. I've read that rockets cause Atheon to move and so makes it difficult for snipers to get their shot...guess it's cost/benefit, whichever works best for the team.