Hey Rugz - sorry to I couldn't run with you last night. You joined my fire team just as I was logging off for the night. I am out of town this weekend but can run some stuff with you next week.
hey rugz, hit the wall man, it's all action there and you'll get a feel for what's shaking
I have a lvl 5 Titan, lvl 1 warlock and can be know to amuse. ad me. same psn =]
Ill be on in a few hours. Have a lv 34, 33,&32. Hit me up later. TMNTmom
Welcome Rugz! I have a second titan currently at lvl 9 that I am levelling. Add me on PSN cdn_bacon13.
Welcome! I have neglected my Titan (Level 2 or 3) and could do some of the story modes when available. Shoot me a FR-PSN Miabucman40
Thanks will do when I jump on tonight.
Welcome rugz!! As you can see, plenty of guys with secondary toons to help go through story modes. When you've done story I would try and do some strikes at as high level as you can and find some of us to go in PVP. Good for levelling up, sometimes get some sweet loot drops plus the crucible/vanguard marks are handy to buy higher level armour