Edited by theSTOOPIDnoob: 4/10/2015 12:59:58 PMMan that was fun last night! I'm glad we switched it up and ran Crota Normal twice it just wasn't happening at HM. Thanks for everyone's patience and time, see what I did there, total blast to finally step up and take the sword to Crota! But holy hell Deadpool, how about sharing the wealth next time! Two helmets, a Black Hammer and a Gally, what a night!
Hit me up if you run short. Its a no work Friday for me.
I totally want in, I'm just not sure about the 9pm time now. I guess it will be one of those "if I am not on in a reasonable amount of time, then start it up without me" kind of deals... If I do make it, I will most likely be bringing in my Titan, who I have yet to get into a hard mode...
Im in. Im sick and will prolly be puking but i cant miss raid night. Work yes raid absolutely not.