studip! hows it going? Been a long time for me too. been deployed better part of last 7 months haha. havent even touched ps4. just happened upon the old page here to see if people were playing still or playing division yet tbh. I just started it. on XB1 though as I am still out of town on the east coast for a month and brought that with me. How ya been? Tradospolium
Thermal paste deteriorates with time and use, if you're not confident yourself take it to your nearest pc dealer and they'll do it for you in less than half an hour.
Hey, had a similar issue. Problem was that the console was in a clustered place and did not have enough fresh air and so the fans were on non stop to cool down the console. I just moved it forward a bit and I have 1/3 of the console in plain air. Don't have the issue anymore