Thanks for all you did for this clan buddy, and for showing me how to play pvp, i'll never be anything like as good as you but at least im ok now, so thanks. Enjoy being an EFP :)
Sad to say that I have left as well and started a new clan. I have become less and less involved in running activities in this Clan plus felt it was time for a change. However, I feel I've built up a good friends list so if you want to game with me you're welcome anytime. I won't remove anyone. Out of respect i won't post my new Clan here but you can always contact me if you want a change.
Best of luck bud
that's a surprise departure, although i have never played along side you i appreciate what you have done for all the dads that found a home here. it's a real shame to see this once great clan become what it has, when i joined last February it was a place where the only elitism was in jest but unfortunately there seems to be a lot more of that these days, The Taken King has played it's share in making a raid that relies on pure teamwork and knowing the other players around you, not to mention the time it takes to complete with a new player so a lot of people have their fireteams which then sort of spills over into other aspects of the game. best of luck Jagercol, i hope your new clan thrives